Saturday, 21 July 2012

Postie's been .........

clutching my packet ....and inside was this!

A primitive needle case made by the unique and talented Colette!

The ingredients came from Wales, but these small fragments of Welsh flannel

made it to the other side of the pond by the skin of their did


With a slight detour they eventually found their way to Toronto, where they

were turned into a place to keep my favourite needles ... the ones I am

covertous about, the ones I can thread know!...the ones

with enormous eyes...but skinny bodies! 

Some people are covertous with their chocolate with my books and


I love my needle case fact I love everything she creates ....if I hadn't

stumbled across Colette...then I wouldn't be sat here writing this now!

You can catch glimpses of Colette's life and work at her blogspot

1 comment:

  1. It's very easy when you have quality materials... I have you to thank for my precious bits of Welsh wool textiles, the best I have come across.
